I’m fond of many different styles of comic artwork.  I think I probably went through at least three different styles for DOG BOMB before settling on the current look.  I call this style “rubber stamp” art.  I wanted to create a comic that looked like it could be reproduced using a set of simple stamps and some black ink.  So, that’s why my characters generally don’t have any color with a couple of exceptions.  I like the simplicity of the whole thing.  I have a tendency to make things way too busy, and I really have to work to keep it basic.  I’m pretty happy with the final product.  I hope you like it too.



DOG BOMB is really a collection of a bunch of smaller stories that I’ve created over the years.  Very few of these stories were ever put on paper.  I just kept them floating around in my head.  So, you’re actually seeing the first draft of most of them.  Anyway, I noticed that all of my stories could easily fit within the DOG BOMB world (I call it “Special Soil”), and would make for a well developed location.  I’ve got background stories for almost everything.

When I first started writing for DOG BOMB, it was extremely violent.  For about ten minutes, I thought that was hilarious.  But it wore pretty thin.  So, I scrapped that junk in favor of more innocent characters.  I’d like to think that DOG BOMB is a humor comic, but I’m not going to suggest that every comic will be laugh-out-loud funny.  Hopefully, when everything is put together as a whole you’ll get a good story with some elements of humor, and a general lighthearted feel.  If I can accomplish that, I’ll consider DOG BOMB a success.

Thanks for reading.


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